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Explore the District

There's lots to do around our District from stunning nature walks to exciting events, and even gumboot throwing! There’s something for everyone to enjoy. Take a look at Visit Rangitīkei to find out more, check out our list of parks and reserves, or see the event pages listed below.

Key highlights


  • Find a local ‘bull’ and take a selfie with it
  • See what’s on at Te Matapihi
  • Grab a cuppa at one of the local cafes
  • Wander through the Bulls Museum
  • Take a drive out to the beach at Scotts Ferry


  • Take the kids for a play at Te Āhuru Mōwai playground
  • Explore the Marton Memorial Park Walkway
  • Have a picnic lunch at Tutaenui Reservoir
  • Try the best chicken ‘n’ chips in New Zealand at the Centennial Park Dairy
  • Get in Santa’s good books at Granny’s Christmas Grotto


  • Take a turn gumboot throwing at Gumboot Alley
  • Find the giant Gumboot and grab a selfie
  • Look through the boutique shops in town
  • Hike up to the Mount Stewart lookout
  • Take in the stunning scenery on Gentle Annie (Taihape-Napier Road)


We have a diverse range of events, which take place across our District every year. These include:

JanuaryThe Turakina Highland Games
Marton Country Music Festival
MarchMarton Harvest Festival
SeptemberThe Mudder
OctoberHunterville Schmozzle
NovemberMarton Market Day

For a full list, take a look at what’s coming up at Visit Rangitīkei or Eventfinda and get amongst the excitement.