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Our District, Your Say - Rangitikei District Council’s Resident Survey 2016

March 07, 2016

Tug Of War Photo Harvest Festival

Note: This News Release is out of date, and is retained for archival purposes only.


Every year, Council collects responses from a representative sample of the District’s population that tells us how well we are meeting the community’s expectations. This year, Council would like to extend this opportunity to all residents and ratepayers to participate in voicing their view of Council services in Our District, Your Say- Rangitikei District Council’s Resident Survey 2016.

Who can participate?

If you are a ratepayer or resident of Rangitikei district, Council welcomes your valuable feedback. It is important when completing the survey that you do provide personal details so that Council can identify you as a resident or ratepayer.

However, If you are an elected representative of Council or are employed by Council, sorry you are not permitted to participate.

How do I participate?

Easy- Click the link to begin the survey.


Or alternatively, you can pick up a copy of the survey Our District, Your Say at our Marton office (46 High Street, Marton) or at any one of our district libraries located at Taihape, Marton, or Bulls.

What’s in it for me?

You’ll be telling Council directly what you think about the services Council provides. Your valued feedback will be used to improve the services Council provides to the community including public roads, parks, libraries, community housing, and more.

You also go into the draw to win an Apple IPAD

Confidentiality and Privacy

Council assures Our District, Your Say participants that all information and feedback provided will be kept in-house and not divulged to any affiliated or external organisations. All information will be summarised and collated without identifying private individuals.

Any personal contact details provided by you will be used only to verify residency status.


Having issues accessing the survey or don’t understand what a question is asking?

You can contact Council 06 327 0099 and ask to speak with a member of the Policy Team.