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Information Regarding Council rates

August 18, 2021

Rates time News Image

The first instalment of your rates were due Friday 20 August, during COVID lockdown.

With Council offices being closed during COVID-19 Alert Level 4, we ask that, if possible, please pay your rates online or via internet banking. We do not want to put any added stress onto you at this time, so if you have any concerns about payment of this instalment and would like to speak to one of our staff please contact our Customer Services team and we can discuss options:

Council is looking at alternative ways of dealing with the penalties that are due to be raised on the due date, so please do not get concerned if you wanted to ‘pay over the counter’ and are now unable to do so.

Try to pay it online...

Go to our Rates Payment Online or pay by Internet banking.

Internet bankingReference: Valuation number or address
Bank Account Details:

Rangitikei District Council - 03-0683-0195600-00

In personvia EFTPOS or Cash (No Cheques after 28 May)

Marton: 46 High Street, Marton 4741
Bulls: Te Matapihi, 4 Criterion Street, Bulls 4818
Taihape: 90 Hautapu Street, Taihape 4720

Please ensure the correct account reference is used.