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Taihape Domain Master Plan


The intent of this project is to form an integrated masterplan for the development, use and upgrade of Taihape Domain in a way that is resilient, adaptable
and able to best support the community.


As with any community, its sport and recreational needs change over time, and investment in the relevant infrastructure can cost a lot of time and money
to achieve. The purpose of this process and resulting masterplan document is to understand:

  • The number of user groups currently utilising the Domain, their membership base and trends.
  • The functional needs of each user group within the Domain; what is working well, and where there are conflicts or issues. • What their aspirations are for future use, development, or expansion.
  • What (if any) funding or grants and projects they already have underway.

These findings were then used to form the draft masterplan for the integrated development of Taihape Domain with the engagement informing user group
needs, joint investment, and allocation of space in a way that supports the recreational needs of the Taihape community over the next decade.