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Submissions made to other Organisations

The below documents are submissions made by Rangitīkei District Council to other organisations.


Harmony Energy Solar Farm - 19 June 2024

Submission to Taitū Te Whenua / Land Information New Zealand on Rating Valuation Rules Review - 8 July 2024

Submission on the NZTA proposed changes to the Emergency Works Investment Policies - 19 June 2024

Submission to the Finance and Expenditure Committee on the Inquiry into Climate Adaptation - 14 June 2024

Submission to Finance and Expenditure Committee on the Local Government (Water Services Preliminary Arrangements) Bill - 13 June 2024

Submission to Horizons Regional Council for Review of Dams Policy - 22 April 2024

Submission to Horizons Regional Council 2024-34 Long Term Plan - 19 April 2024

Submission on Fast-Track Approvals Bill - 19 April 2024

Ministry of Transport’s Draft Government Policy Statement (GPS) on Land Transport 2024-34 - 2 April 2024

Submission on Cost Recovery Proposal to Maintain and Expand New Zealand’s Food Safety Core Regulatory Services Under the Food Act 2014 - 13 March 2024


Proposed National Policy Statement for Natural Hazard Decision-Making - 20 November 2023

Proposed changes to the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land - 27 October 2023

Connecting the dots - Public Transport - 8 September 2023

Proposed infringement scheme for hazardous substances - 28 August 2023

Review of the Building Consent System - 21 August 2023

Emissions Trading Scheme: Price Changes - 11 August 2023

List of Protected Records Review: Feedback form - 28 July 2023

Water Services Entities Amendment Bill - 4 July 2023

Submission on burning cyclone and flood waste - 13 June 2023

Consenting Improvements for Renewable Energy Generation and Transmission - 1 June 2023

Charging our Future - 12 May 2023

Fire Insurance Transitional Levy Increase Consultation - 2 May 2023

Charities Amendment Bill (Mayor Andy Watson speaks to RDC submission at Social Services and Community Committee)- 13 March

Severe Weather Emergency Recovery Legislation Bill - 29 March

Review of the Resource Management (Infringement Offences) Regulations - 30 March 2023

Declaration of inconsistency: Voting age in the Electoral Act 1993 and the Local Electoral Act 2001 - 14 March 2023

PFAS National Environmental Management Plan Version 3.0 - 28 February 2023

Future For Local Government - 23 February 2023

Water Services Legislation Bill and Water Services Economic Efficiency and Consumer Protection Bill - 17 February 2023

Spatial Planning and Natural and Built Environment Bills - 15 February 2023


Business Payment Practices Bill - 22 December 2022

Business Payment Practices Regulations - 22 December 2022

Proposed measures to reduce the environmental impact of F-gases – 16 December 2022

Interim State Highway Speed Management Plan – 12 December 2022

Charities Amendment Bill 2022 - 9 December

Joint Submission with Manawatū District Council – Taumata Arowai Environmental Performance Measures - 25 November 2022

National direction for plantation and exotic carbon afforestation - 18 November 2022

Pricing Agricultural Emissions - 18 November 2022

Horizons Plan Change 3 (Urban Development) - 15 November 2022

A Fair Chance for All – 10 November 2022

Firebreaks in New Zealand – 19 October 2022

Ministry for the Environment Long-term Insights Briefing - 18 October 2022

Freedom Camping Regulations - 6 October 2022

Future of inter-regional passenger rail in New Zealand - 6 October 2022

Self-contained Motor Vehicles Legislation Bill - 6 October 2022

Local Government Electoral Legislation Bill - 14 September 2022

Residential Building Supplies Market Study Submission - 1 September 2022

Submission on Electoral (Māori Electoral Option) Legislation Bill - 29 July 2022

Submission on Water Services Entities Bill - 22 July 2022

Submission on proposed National Policy Statement on Indigenous Biodiversity - 20 July 2022

Submission on Te panoni I te hangarua Transforming Recycling - 18 May 2022

Submission on Horizons Draft Public Transport Plan - 12 May 2022

Submission to the Inquiry on the Natural and Built Environments Bill - 30 July 2021

Climate Change draft advice to Government - 28 March 2021

Supporting Freedom Camping in Aotearoa New Zealand - 6 May 2021

Building Code Update 2021 - 28 May