Forms - Alphabetical
- Address application form (PDF)
Use this form to apply for a new urban address number, rural RAPID number, or to request a replacement RAPID plate to be installed where a RAPID number has already been allocated.
- Address Application Online Form (Online)
Use this form to apply for a new urban address number, rural RAPID number, or to request a replacement RAPID plate to be installed where a RAPID number has already been allocated.
- Amusement Device Operation Application (PDF)
Application for a permit to operate an amusement device in the Rangitikei District as required by the Amusement Devices Regulations 1978 (Form 4)
- Annual Plan 2019/20 (PDF)
- Annual Report 2017-2018 (PDF)
Adopted 11 October 2018
- Application for Employment (PDF)
- Application for Registration of a Food Business (PDF)
Apply to register a food business (Food Act 2014)
- Application for Tenancy - Community Housing (PDF)
Us this form to apply for one of our Council Housing homes or flats.
- Application for Waste Transfer Station Account (PDF)
- Authority for Automatic Payments (PDF)
Authority for automatic payments to the Rangitikei District Council
- Authority to set up Direct Debits for paying rates (PDF)
Use this form if you would like to set up Direct Debits for paying your rates
- Authority to set up Direct Debits for paying Water (PDF)
Use this form if you would like to set up Direct Debits for paying your Water
- Bank Deposit Slip for the Rangitikei District Council account (PDF)
When depositing money into the Council’s account please include a reference number (such as valuation number, dog owner number, consent number).
- Building - Amendment to Compliance Schedule (PDF)
Section 106, Building Act 2004
- Building - Certificate of Acceptance Application Form (Online)
Section 97, Building Act 2004.
- Building - Certificate of Public Use Application Form (Online)
Link to Simpli - A full end to end online lodgement portal for building consents.
- Building - Certificate of Public Use Application Guide (Online)
- Building - Code Compliance Certificate Application (Online)
Link to Simpli - A full end to end online lodgement portal for building consents.
- Building - Exempt Building Work Application (PDF)
Reducing barriers to development in the Rangitikei. Building Act 2004, Schedule 1 (2).
- Building Consent/PIM Application Form (Online)
- Building Consent/PIM Application Guide (Online)
- Building Consent/PIM Woodfire Application Form (Online)
Links to the simpli. A full end to end online lodgement portal for building consents.
- Bulls Community Centre Pledge/Donation Form (PDF)
- CCS applicant eligibility criteria (PDF)
- CCS application guide (PDF)
- Cemetery - Administration Manual (PDF)
Information about how our cemeteries are run, and the rights and responsibilities of all interested parties
- Cemetery - Application for Burial Form (PDF)
Application form for burial or cremation in Clifton (Bulls), Mount View (Marton), Rātana, Taihape, Turakina, Hunterville, Mangaweka or Ohingaiti cemetery.
- Cemetery - Application to reserve plot/s (PDF)
Application to reserve plot/s in Clifton (Bulls), Mount View (Marton), Ratana, Taihape, Turakina, Hunterville, Mangaweka or Ohingaiti cemetery
- Cemetery - Headstone Application (PDF)
Application form for installation of a headstone in Clifton (Bulls), Mount View (Marton), Rātana, Taihape, Turakina, Mangaweka or Hunterville cemetery.
- Cemetery - Headstones and Bases information (PDF)
Information about the size and dimension of Headstones and Bases in Rangitikei cemeteries
- Cemetery - Ratana only - Plot Reservation & Grave Digging (Interment) Guidelines (PDF)
Information for whanau to take care of grave digging (interment) at Ratana cemetery
- CIF eligibility criteria (PDF)
- Community BBQ Trailer Hire Form (PDF)
- Corridor Access Request Form (PDF)
Application form to request a Road Closure, Road Opening and Event
- Dairy Herd Crossing Consent - information brochure (PDF)
Information about the Stock Droving and Grazing Bylaw 2013 for farmers wanting to have their stock cross Rangitikei roads. Search "Moving of Dairy Herd" on this website for the consent application form.
- Dairy Herd Crossing Consent - Moving of Dairy Herd Application (PDF)
Application for moving of dairy herd under chapter 4 of the Rangitikei District Bylaw.
- District Plan - Submission on proposal to change the Rangitikei District Plan (PDF)
Clause 6 of the First Schedule, Resource Management Act 1991.
- Dog Registration Application (PDF)
Use this form to register your dog/s - also contains information about the latest fees and charges
- Dogs - Deceased Dog Notification - Request for Refund of Fees 2024-25 (PDF)
Use this form to notify Council when a dog has died during the registration year.
- Dogs - Good Dog Owner / Multi Dog Permit Application (PDF)
Us this form to apply for 'Good Dog Owner' status or a Multi Dog Permit.
- Dogs - Handover Certificates (PDF)
The certificate provides for the voluntary hand over of ownership of the dogs or dogs to Rangitīkei District Council.
- Dogs - Transfer Dog Ownership (PDF)
Use this form to transfer ownership of your dog to someone else.
- Dogs - Update Dog/Owner Details (PDF)
Use this form to tell us if details about your dog have changed, including whether your dog has been de-sexed or microchipped.
- Elected members schedule 2019 (PDF)
updated 21 January 2019
- ESS eligibility criteria (PDF)
- Food Business Registration Application (PDF)
Food Act 2014.
- Gambling Machines - Consent to Operate class 4 machines (PDF)
Application in accordance with s99 of the Gambling Act 2003, Fee is in accordance with s150 of the Local Government Act 2002.
- Health and Safety Brochure for Community Groups (PDF)
A guide for volunteers who assist with environmental and community projects, so everyone is aware of potential hazards and safety
- Health Licence Application (PDF)
As required by the Health Act 1956, the Health (Registration of Premises) Regulations 1966, Local Government Act 1974, and Rangitikei District Council bylaws
- Independent Qualified Person (IQP) Application for Registration (PDF)
Use this form to apply for IQP Registration
- Kokako Hall Event Application - Application Pack A (PDF)
Use this form if there will be less than 50 people attending and no alcohol is to be consumed.
- Kokako Hall Event Application - Application Pack B (PDF)
Use this form if any one of the following apply: 1. There are more than 50 people attending AND no alcohol will be consumed 2. Alcohol is free* or BYO (free does not mean included in the ticket price)
- Kokako Street Hall Event Application - Application Pack C (PDF)
Use this form if alcohol will be sold (includes alcohol in the ticket price)
- Libraries - New Membership Application (PDF)
Use this form to apply for a library membership
- Licence to Trade in a Public Place - Group (PDF)
Use this form to apply for a grouo license to trade in a public place (Includes busking).
- Licence to Trade In A Public Place - Individual (PDF)
Use this form to apply for a license to trade in a public place (Includes busking).
- LIM Application (PDF)
Land Information Memorandum (LIM) report application form.
- Liquor Licencing - Notice of Company Changes (PDF)
Use this form to advise of company changes - Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority,
- Liquor Licensing - Application for Waiver or Suspension of Liquor Control in a Public Place - Bylaw 2010 (PDF)
Applications must be lodged with the Council at least 20 days prior to the event
- Liquor Licensing - Calculate Alcohol Licence Fee (PDF)
Use this form to calculate your premises' risk rating and fee. Form includes FAQ
- Liquor Licensing - Club Licence Application/Renewal (PDF)
Form 5, Sections 100 and 127(2) , Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
- Liquor Licensing - Managers Certificate - Application (PDF)
Form 17, Section 219, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. Please note you must also return a completed "Questionnaire for Applicants for Managers Certificates"
- Liquor Licensing - Managers Certificate - Application Guide (PDF)
Managers certificate application reference sheet
- Liquor Licensing - Managers Certificate - Questionnaire (PDF)
Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. Note: This questionnaire forms part of our assessment in determining your suitability to hold a managers certificate. A copy of the completed questionnaire is also sent to the Police. Please note this must be supplied along with the Managers Certificate Application form
- Liquor Licensing - Notice of Management Change (PDF)
Section 231, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. Use this form to notify a change of certified manager of a licensed premises.
- Liquor Licensing - Off Licence or Renewal of Off Licence application (PDF)
Form 4, Sections 100 and 127(2), Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. Use this form to apply for an Off Licence or to renew an Off Licence.
- Liquor Licensing - On Licence or Renewal of On Licence Application (PDF)
Form 3, Sections 100 and 127(2), Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. Use this form to apply for an On Licence or to renew an On Licence.
- Liquor Licensing - Planning and Building Compliance Certificate application (PDF)
For the purposes of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
- Liquor Licensing - Public Notice of Application for Special Licence (PDF)
Form 8, Sections 139, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
- Liquor Licensing - Public Notice of Application or Variation of Licence (PDF)
Form 7, Sections 101, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
- Liquor Licensing - Renewal for Liquor Licence - Evacuation Scheme for Clubs, and On and Off Licence premises (PDF)
An Evacuation Scheme is required for buildings detailed in section 21A (1) and (2) of the Fire Service Act 1975.
- Liquor Licensing - Renewal of Managers Certificate Application (PDF)
Form 19, Section 224, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
- Liquor Licensing - Special Licence Application (PDF)
Form 6, Section 138, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
- Liquor Licensing - Statement of Annual Sales Revenue – Grocery Store Off Licence (PDF)
Section 33(2)(a)(ii). Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 and sections 12 and 13, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Regulations 2013.
- Liquor Licensing - Temporary Authority Application (PDF)
Form 16, Section 136, Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
- Mangaweka Town Hall Event Application - Application Pack A (PDF)
Use this form if there will be less than 50 people attending and no alcohol is to be consumed.
- Mangaweka Town Hall Event Application - Application Pack B (PDF)
Use this form if any one of the following apply: 1. There are more than 50 people attending AND no alcohol will be consumed 2. Alcohol is free* or BYO (free does not mean included in the ticket price)
- Māori Freehold Land Rates Remission Application Form (PDF)
- Marton RSA and Citizens’ Memorial Hall Event Application - Application Pack A (PDF)
Use this form if there will be less than 50 people attending and no alcohol is to be consumed.
- Marton RSA and Citizens’ Memorial Hall Event Application - Application Pack B (PDF)
Use this form if any one of the following apply: 1. There are more than 50 people attending AND no alcohol will be consumed 2. Alcohol is free* or BYO (free does not mean included in the ticket price)
- Nga Awa Block - Facilities Hire Application Form (PDF)
Application form to book rooms and spaces at Ngā Awa Block - Taihape Amenities Building.
- Notice of Meetings April 2019 (PDF)
- Older CCC Review and B2 Durability Modification Form (PDF)
This form is to be completed in conjunction with an application for Code Compliance Certificate for any building consent that the BCA deems the CCC date should be modified.
- Parks and Reserves - Application for use of a Council park or reserve (PDF)
*Fees apply please see the current Fees and Charges document for more information
- Parks and Reserves - Conditions for Using a Park or Reserve (PDF)
Use this form to understand and accept the conditions for using a Council park or reserve
- Parks Upgrades Partnership Fund - expression of interest (PDF)
Do you have a great idea to add or improve on recreational facilities at a Council-owned park? We can help by providing up to a third of the cost in cash. Use this form to register your interest.
- PE Report C1084 Update October 2018 (PDF)
- Planning - Change and/or Cancellation of Condition of Resource Consent Application (PDF)
Section 127, Resource Management Act 1991
- Planning - Change and/or Cancellation of Consent Notice Application (PDF)
Section 221(3), Resource Management Act 1991
- Planning - Change or Cancellation of Conditions of Licence Application (PDF)
Section 221(3), Resource Management Act 1991
- Planning - Deemed Permitted Boundary Activity Application (PDF)
Form 9A - Section 87BA Resource Management Act 1991
- Planning - Land Use and Fast Track Consent Application (PDF)
Section 87AAC and 88, Resource Management Act 1991
- Planning - Marginal or Temporary Non-Compliance (PDF)
Section 87BB of the Resource Management Act 1991
- Planning - Outline Plan or Outline Plan Waiver (PDF)
Section 176A, Resource Management Act 1991
- Planning - Right of Way - application for RoW approval (PDF)
Section 348, Local Government Act 1974
- Planning - Subdivison Consent Application (PDF)
Section 88, Resource Management Act 1991
- Planning - Written Approval for Deemed Permitted Boundary Activity (PDF)
Form 8B - Section 87BA Resource Management Act 1991
- Planning - Written Approval of Affected Persons (PDF)
Section 95, Resource Management Act 1991
- Rates by email (Online)
Use this online form to have your rates invoice emailed to you.
- Rates Remission Application Form - Earthquake Prone Buildings (PDF)
This form is to be completed for applications for a Earthquake Prone Buildings Rates Remission as per Council’s Rates Remission Policy.
- Rates Remission Application Form (General) (PDF)
Use this form is apply for a General Rates Remission as per Council’s Rates Remission Policy.
- Rates Remission application form for community, sporting, or NFP organisations (Online)
Apply for rates remission for a community, sporting, or not-for-profit organisation.
- Rates Remission for Residential Development Application Form (PDF)
Council may apply rates remissions on residential properties throughout the District.
- Rating Information Search (Online)
Find the rates on a property
- Reimbursement for Bulk Water (PDF)
Use this form to claim the cost of water delivered to your property (not including the cost of cartage).
- Report it Form (Online)
Use this form to inform the council on things you need help with, for providing feedback, or to bring anything to our attention.
- Sport NZ guidelines 2018-2020 (PDF)
- Spray-Free Frontage agreement (PDF)
Council undertakes spraying on a 6-monthly basis, usually March and September. Residents are asked to ring into Council or fill in this form, to register to NOT have their property frontages sprayed.
- SS 1 – Automatic Systems for Fire Suppression (PDF)
- SS 10 – Building Maintenance Units (PDF)
- SS 11 – Laboratory Fume Cupboards (PDF)
- SS 12/1 – Audio Loops (PDF)
- SS 12/2 – FM Radio Frequency Systems and Infrared Beam Transmission Systems (PDF)
- SS 13/2 – Natural Smoke Control Systems (PDF)
- SS 13/3 – Smoke Curtains (PDF)
- SS 14/1 Emergency Power Systems for Specified Systems 1-13 (PDF)
- SS 15/1 – Systems for Communicating Spoken Information to Facilitate Evacuation (PDF)
- SS 15/2 – Final Exits (PDF)
- SS 15/3 – Fire Separations (PDF)
- SS 15/5 – Smoke Separations (PDF)
- SS 16 – Cable Cars (PDF)
- SS 2 – Automatic/Manual Emergency Warning Systems (PDF)
- SS 3/1 – Automatic Doors (PDF)
- SS 3/2 – Access Controlled Doors (PDF)
- SS 3/3 – Interfaced Fire or Smoke Doors or Windows (PDF)
- SS 4 – Emergency Lighting Systems (PDF)
- SS 5 – Escape Route Pressurisation (PDF)
- SS 6 – Riser Mains (PDF)
- SS 7 – Automatic Backflow Prevention Devices (PDF)
- SS 8/1 – Passenger Carrying Lifts (PDF)
- SS 8/2 – Service Lifts (PDF)
- SS 8/3 – Escalators and Moving Walks (Travelators) (PDF)
- SS 9 – Mechanical Ventilation or Air Conditioning Systems (PDF)
- SS14/2 Signs for Specified Systems 1-13 (PDF)
- SS15/4 Signs for communicating information intended to facilitate evacuation (PDF)
- Stock Grazing Permit Application (PDF)
Use this form to request temporary grazing permission for farm animals
- Taking Care of Business Application Form (PDF)
Application form for enquiring about starting a new business in the Rangitikei and requesting information from council
- Te Matapihi - Alcohol Host Responsibility Form (PDF)
This alcohol host responsibility form must be completed for any event held at the Bulls Community Centre that will have alcohol available.
- Te Matapihi - Venue Hire Form (PDF)
Use this form to hire any of the spaces within Te Matapihi - Bulls Community Centre.
- Tenderlink Registration Online Form (Online)
Council is now using an e-resource for contracts, tenders and outworks, called Tenderlink. If you would like to register and receive electronic notification of any works that may be of interest to your business please complete the online form. Once this has been lodged with the Council a login and password will be forwarded to you.
- Trade Waste Discharge Consent Application (PDF)
Use this form to apply for a new consent, or renew or vary an existing consent, to discharge trade waste
- Valuation Objection (QV) (PDF)
Form provided by QV. You can also lodge an objection on the website.
- Vehicle Crossing - Plan for Commercial / Industrial Vehicle Crossing (PDF)
Plan sheet number 23.6 supplied by Manawatu District Council and Rangitikei District Council
- Vehicle Crossing - Plan for Heavy Duty Vehicle Crossing (2 or more properties) (PDF)
Plan sheet number 23.5 supplied by Manawatu District Council and Rangitikei District Council
- Vehicle Crossing - Plan for Plate Vehicle Crossing (PDF)
Plan sheet number 23.7 provided by Manawatu District Council.
- Vehicle Crossing - Plan for Rural Vehicle Crossing (PDF)
Plan sheet number 23.3 provided by Manawatu District Council
- Vehicle Crossing - Standard Concrete Vehicle Crossing (residential) (PDF)
Plan sheet number 23.4 supplied by Manawatu District Council
- Vehicle Crossing - Standard Rural Residential Vehicle Crossing (frequent use by heavy vehicles) (PDF)
Plan sheet number 23.2 plan supplied by Rangitikei District Council.
- Vehicle Crossing - Standard Rural Vehicle Accessway (frequent use by heavy vehicles) 15 metre radius (PDF)
Plan figure number 23.2 supplied by Rangitikei District Council
- Vehicle Crossing - Standard Rural Vehicle Crossing Design Dimensions (infrequent use by heavy vehicles) (PDF)
Plan figure 23.1 supplied by Rangitikei District Council
- Vehicle Crossing Application (PDF)
Application to apply for a new, upgrade or relocate a vehicle crossing.
- Volunteer Application Form (PDF)
This application is for unpaid volunteer engagements only. It is not an application for employment.
- Water / Stormwater / Wastewater Service Connection Application (PDF)
Water / Stormwater / Wastewater Service application for connections re-connections, or disconnections.